Exactly one year ago, the only Knudson family member living in the state of Washington was my oldest brother Brent. My parents were in Utah for the summer and the rest of us were out and about, living some version of our own lives. Since then, Brent got married and brought Mia into the fold, my parents are back in the house, Jake started a business up here so he and Kelsie and their munchkins are here, I graduated and moved back after traveling, Scott high-tailed it out of Florida after finishing his mission and finally, as of about a week ago, the set is complete. Brian and Heather, holed up in Princeton, NJ with their little ones and threatening to stay there forever, finally gave in and moved back west.
Yesterday was moving day for the Kwnudsons to their newhouse in Lynnwood/Mukilteo/Everett border area -an adorable house with almost the exact same layout as my childhood best friend's house. I didn't realize until yesterday how good I am at helping people move. It's so much easier when it isn't your own stuff. I've got the hangnails from all the carboard boxes to prove it!
I'm excited for these siblings to be here because Brian, of anyone in the family, thinks most like I do. The last time we were really in the same place was my Freshman year at BYU when I would treat him to weekly Dining Plus meals and he'd treat me in return by winning at our usually weekly tennis games. And, even though Heather has been in the family since I was in high school, I don't know her as well as I'd like. Plus, their kids are stinkin' cute.
After all the dirty work was done
cool cool cool kami but i know you miss your roommates in provo
Welcome all Knudsons! Washington will never be the same...
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