Current Weather in Sammamish, WA
I finally got my flight in order this week. Here's my travel lady reading the directions to the credit card imprinting machine, which people apparently still use (but not often enough to know how). What are travel agents typing forever anyway? All sorts of pass codes and calculations make me nervous. Obviously not using Ortbitz. And why is travel softward stuck in 1995? It looks like the same program that Jessica used to book Jonah's flight to New York in Sleepless in Seattle. Anyway, April 15th at 12:30 I'll be officially stateside!
Whew!! That is HOT!! Like really really hot! So you come back soon, but I don't know when you started your journey.
I'll be bumming around Sammamish so let's get together sometime!
yayayayyy!!! states! that heat sounds terrible. you'd better be in a place that has A/C. unreal.
I was starting to think you weren't coming back! I'm glad you're having such a great time. I'm impressed with your savoir-faire, my world traveling friend!
Shoot me an email or a blog comment if you're laying over in LA...I'd LOVE to see you!
Oh, and as soon as we have a chance I expect a super invasive, matchy-matchy, wonderfully relaxing massage.
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